Monday, July 4, 2011

No Such Luck

I asked a favor of a good friend of mine. Last year at Anime Expo a dealer was selling J dolls for $20 a pop which is a steal if you are in the know. Sadly they were not there this year. So no J doll for me. I do have two in my collection currently.

The only other dolleh news I have goin for myself is that I have been invited to a local doll group in Sacramento on the 9th and it will be the first official private gathering I will attend.

So far the Smallfie activities that I have attended are:

The BJD Tea Party (Sac Anime circa 2008)
Unofficial Gathering (Sac Con circa 2008-2009)
Ball Joint Doll Panel (Sac Anime Summer 2010)
Fanime Doll Gathering (Saturday 2011)

and of course, at Anime Expo 2010 I visited Volks Tenshi no Sumika in Torrence, Ca. Amazing!

I have plenty of dolls I am working on but unfortunately, so very little time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Finished Result

I never did upload the finished result, only to discover it was half an inch too small. I have to look for something 4 inches in diameter now to remake the wig, but at least you can see what it would look like.

And the doll eyes, also in the same commission:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tid Bits

Figured I would post something up. At least what I'm up to.

I got a commission for a 21CM 1:6th doll wig. I was amazed too, since I've been advertising my skills for years and then randomly got a message for a gig.

The client asked for a lime green mohair with red and blue highlights. It's almost done at this point. She also asked for custom 10 MM eyes, I am awaiting supplies from Hong Kong. This is exciting because I can make eyes for my MSD I have been wishing for forever.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Aww, Old Meets New.

Time progresses forward, and so does technology. I had a forum for Precious Smallfies on for quite some time, but no one really posted. Mainly since this hobby is soooo underground and specialized. It would be wonderful to gather all 1/6th scalers in one spot but since many hobbyists also collect the larger dolls, it makes since that most artists frequent forums that allow posts on all scales.

Some may already know me as TheSpyderDuster, both on DoA, JS, DL, and DS, I am also very active as a member of DA and FB but no longer on MS. I can be Googled both as this user name and for my long running website You can call me Spyder if you wish, or Heather. It took me a long time to get comfortable using my birth name and often I used the name H. Jaeger. Since my comic will be published shortly as Heather Jaeger, I am cool with that now.

It has been hard to get back into the hobby. I lurk on DS mostly now, but at one point users knew me by name. I wanted to start a "business" for doll modding but quickly discovered it was hard to find clients in that scale since most artists want to do it on their own and that life made it hard to keep deadlines. I am still very much interested in taking commissions however.

My art studio is in shambles, and will be until the weather is warmer and we know whether we are moving again. I can't spray Dullcote or MSC in high humidity either. So my doll modding is limited to base coating and rooting for now. My problem is that I took on too many doll projects and I have several in waiting.
The one currently on my mind is Mallie, my little Orientdoll So's sister who is a Volks EB-A (teenager size). She has been dismantled and first layer of base coat white applied. It will take up to 30 coats before she can move onto the next stage. I plan to turn her into a snow skin, just like my beloved Lucifer:
She will receive the final coats and then I will need to order and root her hair, then eyes, pointed ears, and face-up. All her clothes are ready. She just needs some love.

I also have:
My comic book characters Sadoenia and Lephisten (c) 2011
Two twin Catwalk Kitty Mods
Celsius, an Volks EB-N head repair
and one well wished,
MSD sized Eladrin that I hope to make someday.

That's alot of dolls to work on. But now that life has settled down enough that I can work on them, I am very much looking forward to it.